

Many of us humans are able to easily focus on all things positive, and feel gratitude for everything endlessly. However, there are some amongst us who unfortunately, harp about all things negatives, than all things positive. Sadly, I too belonged to this latter group of people. However, the experience of this last couple of years made me sit up and count all my blessings. And, what better way than to note them down, be loud and clear about it and seal it through a blog. The timing couldn’t have been better either. On Thanksgiving Day.  No, in India we do not celebrate Thanksgiving, but we, as a society, are good at readily and easily incorporating what we like of other cultures. Besides, feeling thankful is such a beautiful feeling. So, hopefully before time, Thanksgiving would be celebration time in India too. Celebrating gratitude for just being and for having all those who have let us be.  As I look back into these last couple of years, doubtless, there have been times of momentary

Stories That Speak of The God Above Only to Help Connect With The God Within

As a child, my mother used to read out the Ramayan to me - sometimes stopping to explain but for the most part, she assumed I was following the story, which was partly so. More importantly, she felt that my hearing the names of the lead characters, mainly the name of Sri Ram, the main protagonist worshipped in India as an incarnation of Vishnu, the Almighty God - my mother felt that even if I could just hear His name, it would do me a lot of good, that I was becoming virtuous. Her faith was strong. And it did instil religiousness in me. However, it took many more years for me to understand the deeper meaning of religion, of God, of Godliness.  It was when many years later, I on my own picked up the Ramayan to read and learn. My Guru Ma, took pains to teach me the scripture via telephone, long distance. On rare occasions, she would manage to rope in her guru to take classes. It was during these classes that I began to understand how the scriptures were interpreted by the learned. And ho